As we celebrated our first Christmas as a family it was the last one to be celebrated in the 2010s. If you had asked me back in 2009 how I would be celebrating Christmas in 2019 I would not have said with my husband and child.
I would probably have said still at home with my mum and dad, single, fat & ugly and probably still thinking I would never find someone to love and to love me back. Having a child probably wouldn’t have been in my answer. What a decade makes.
The Preparation
We started buying presents back in October which didn’t leave us enough time to get them and pay for them. Pudding also has his birthday at the beginning of December. Moving forward, December is going to be a busy and expensive month for us.
Darran being Darran was buying and buying which I thought he was buying too much. It wasn’t until a few weeks before his birthday we laid out the presents we had bought. It wasn’t near as much as we wanted. Panic.
Christmas at Home
As we are moving to Wales in 2020, I wanted our first Christmas Day to be at home. Pudding could stay in his PJs all day and play with all of his new toys. I also wanted to celebrate Christmas with my family as it will be a few years until we can celebrate Christmas Day together again.
Darran being the amazing cook he is offered to cook for us. There were 8 adults and 3 children. I didn’t think it would be stressful, a house full of family, eating, drinking and playing games. How wrong I was lol
The Morning
As usual, Pudding slept in and we finally woke him about 8 am. Darran was already downstairs, presents all stacked up nicely with camera in hand. ‘Presentssssss’ was the first word to leave Pudding’s mouth. There were tons of the bastards and he didn’t seem overwhelmed just super excited.
We spent the next hour opening presents, with every one Pudding opened he wanted to play with which was nice. I don’t ever want a child that just opens presents, chucks them aside and moves onto the next one. The good thing with Pudding is that he gets so excited over every present and wants to play with them there and then.
Darran and I got each other some little gifts but not much. Christmas moving forward is all about Pudding and any other brother or sister we adopt later on.
After the manic of the day and having the family over, Pudding went to bed and fell asleep within minutes and Darran and I passed out on the sofa. We were meant to pack the car up ready for our Christmas down Wales. This didn’t happen
Boxing Day
We were both up early, sorting the house and packing the car. We wanted to set off at 6 am but didn’t end up leaving until after 8. Fast forward 4 hours (it’s a long journey) we arrive at Bampa’s and YiaYia’s.
Christmas Day Number 2
It was go go go when we got to Wales. We hadn’t been there for that long before we all bundled into the summer house to exchange pressies. Of course, Pudding was spoilt rotten again.
We can’t wait until Christmas 2020 to do it all over again but we’ve got to get through the adoption hearing, the move to Wales and just generally the whole year!