We were gifted tickets to Legoland with no expectation to write this review

We were invited to a press event to showcase the new Duplo Valley which opened at Legoland this month. We weren’t asked to put on Instagram or the blog but to come along and experience the new zone.

As Legoland is about 1hr 30 mins from us we were up at 6 am to leave by 7 am and guess what? We were on time YAY!

Getting to Legoland is pretty easy, straight round the M25 off at junction 15 towards Windsor. On the last stretch of the journey, going through Windsor, I’m pretty sure some swine moved a sign as we went the wrong way a few times. We had to be there by 8.25 and it was already 8.20 and we were 10 minutes away -STRESS!

We Arrive

As we park up and about to get out of the car the heavens open and I mean open. We leg it to the entrance where we were greeted some friendly stuff giving us directions of where we needed to go.

Darran carrying Leo and me carrying an umbrella (I wasn’t getting wet) we headed down the winding path to take us to the Duplo Valley Zone.

We headed into a cafe where breakfast was served.

DUPLO Valley

At 9 am we were asked to venture out into the DUPLO Zone to go and explore. We had this zone all to ourselves (not just us, other visitors had bee invited to this press event). There were no long queues and the rain had stopped!

We went onto the DUPLO Express, DUPLO Airport, took a ride on the Fairy Tale Brook and finally onto the DUPLO Rollercoaster. This was Leo’s FIRST theme park and his first rollercoaster. We weren’t sure how he would take it if he would enjoy it or have a massive meltdown. HE LOVED IT! We finished the morning off watching a puppet show.

The Rest of The Park

At 10 am we were asked to leave the DUPLO Zone and go venture into the rest of the park. As part of this press event, we were given fast track tickets to all of the other rides. This was a lifesaver. One of the rides had an 80-minute wait!

The first stop was the Haunted House a ride where the ride tilts and the roof spins round. We weren’t sure Leo would like it. Again, he surprised as and love it. 

Lego City

The next stop was the City Deep Sea Adventure. I didn’t even realise they had something like this and to be honest, I didn’t know what it was when queuing up. As we turned the corner we were greeted with these massive submarines being asked to get in one.

This is an underwater experience where you are in the submarines with big windows looking at al the fishes, sharks and rays. It was pretty amazing and seeing Leo full of pure excitement made it even better.

Leo also had a try at driving on the L-Drivers ride. We then went on our own balloon and flow in the sky on the Balloon School ride a finished this zone putting out fires on the Fire Academy ride.

LEGO® Ninjago® World

This zone was too old for Leo be we managed to get on one ride. The LEGO® NINJAGO® The Ride. This was the ride that had an 80-minute wait. I felt bad as we had queue jump wrist bands but to be honest I’m glad we had them.

We literally went straight to the front of the queue and on the ride. No waiting, no messing around. The ride was a 3D experience and was okay but Leo was probably too young as he didn’t want to wear the glasses. The ride lasted like 2 minutes. Was it worth the 80 minutes wait? NOPE!

Kingdom of the Pharaohs

We finished the day in the Kingdon of the Pharaohs.

We went on Aero Nomad (Ferris wheel) Desert Chase (carousel) and Thunder Blazer (chain swing). Leo went on this ride all by himself. Darran had a mini heart attack, I filmed it and Leo had an absolute blast.